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Men's Fellowship

The men of our corps are encouraged to come to Men's Fellowship to meet together and create a strong foundation and leadership for our corps. We need strong father's and supporters to be an example to those around them. 

Men of all ages are invited to come enjoy food, fellowship and the Word at our monthly Men's Breakfast ON HOLD. Come, let us sit as men do and discuss important things. Bring your Bible!


Women's Fellowship

The mission of the Women's Ministry is to bring women into a knowledge of Jesus Christ, encourage their full potential in influencing family, friends and community, equip them for for growth in personal understanding and life skills, address issues which affect women and their families in the worlds.  

Each week we have interesting, instructional and inspirational programs designed to support you and your family. Includes special speakers, crafts, movies, trips and much more.

Home League (Women's Group) Every Tuesday 9am-11am. 

Women's Bible Study Saturday at 9am